CHS is a recognised and accredited Higher Education Provider by Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) and course accreditation by the same authority.
CHS will apply for accreditation with the Australasian College of Health Service Management (ACHSM) after recieving approval and accreditation from Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA).
Please refer to the Courses section of the CHS website for admission requirements.
Please include the following with your application form:
CHS is committed to providing cost-effective, affordable learning and opportunities for students around the world. Our schedule of charges and fees are among the lowest in Australia, considering the quality of the services we deliver. Our costs are low due to relatively small administration costs and lower campus operating charges. From this, we are able to pass on the savings to our students via lower fees and charges. Please refer to individual courses under the Courses menu to see the respective fees and charges.
Tuition fees are payable in advance for each unit of study. We will advise you of the amount payable and payment methods at confirmation of your enrolment. Full payment information is provided in the Letter of Offer.
CHS conforms to the requirements of the Tuition Protection Service (TPS) established by the Australian Government for overseas students. CHS also has in place tuition protection assurance arrangements for domestic students. These tuition protection arrangements assure current and intending students of CHS courses that lead to a CHS issued AQF award that they will be offered a suitable alternative course or have unspent pre-paid tuition fees refunded if CHS cannot provide the course for which the student has paid.
Please refer to the CHS Policies and Regulations section of the website for details.
FEE-HELP is a Commonwealth Government loan available to eligible students enrolled in CHS Courses in order to help pay all or part of their tuition fees.
FEE-HELP is available for all Units of Study for eligible students.
Details about HELP loans including eligibility requirements and repayment of a HELP debt can be found here.
The current FEE-HELP Information Booklet can be downloaded here.
CHS Student Review Procedures for Re-Crediting a FEE-HELP Balance can be downloaded here.
If you have any questions about applying for FEE-HELP please contact us at: [email protected]
Currently, Students can only elect to study on-campus at our Sydney campus or Brisbane Campus. Domestic students may study online. In cases of emergency all students will be required to study remotely and the College will provide the appropriate information to all students in a timely manner.
An academic course comprises a number of units of study. All academic degrees require completion of a number of core and elective units of study. Each unit of study is a self-contained package that has its own objectives, scope, learning program and learning materials.
Yes you can defer enrolment in a particular semester but cannot discontinue your studies once you commence studying in a particular unit.
Please refer to individual Courses for further details.
We emphasises close interaction among our students. The diversity of backgrounds allows cross fertilisation of ideas and in-depth learning. As the current courses are directed at graduate studies, typically students possess considerable practical and professional experience.
CHS normally awards credit for prior learning for equivalent units completed and assessed at recognised institutions, and applications are assessed on a case by case basis. Lodgement of an application is no guarantee that it will be successful as all applications that do not meet the Guidelines and Criteria for Recognised Prior Learning will be rejected. It is the responsibility of claimants to ensure they are entitled to credit under CHS´s Guidelines and Criteria. These can be viewed in Applying for RPL. Please note that there is a non-refundable fee for assessing credit application
CHS will offer three in-takes annually: March, July & November in-takes.
Assessments are designed to maintain academic standards and generate evidence of learning through a focus on the quality of learning outcomes, the use of a combination of two or more assessment tasks which reflect the learning outcomes of the unit, with assessment spread across the teaching period, the importance of the learning outcomes reflected in the relative weightings of assessments; and providing students with the opportunity to demonstrate a range of competencies in learning from minimum learning standards to learning of the highest standard. The assessment methods include: Research essays, reflective journal, synchronous activities including quizzes, case study discussions, discussing a topic through a review of literature, critical appraisal of a published paper, designing a healthcare management plan and designing a performance improvement project plan.